If you suffer from receding gums, you will want to learn more about an Alloderm gum graft in Toronto.Alloderm is a regenerative method used to restore health to gum tissue that is damaged or receding. It allows for faster healing times without adding a separate surgical site to the procedure. In traditional gum grafting procedures, tissue is taken from other portions of the mouth to create the gum graft, but an Alloderm gum graft in Toronto uses a special tissue matrix derived from human tissue that has been donated. This eliminates the necessity of a second surgical site and aids in rapid healing.

What to Expect from an Alloderm Gum Graft in Toronto

Step 1: After you and the dentist choose Alloderm gum graft in Toronto as a treatment option, the teeth will be given a deep cleanse. This removes any buildup or debris and will help with homecare following the surgical procedure.

Step 2: You will be administered a local anesthetic before the gum grafting procedure. The type of anesthetic used will depend on your situation and how in depth the procedure is going to be.

Step 3: Small incisions will be made to the gums which are being built up through the Alloderm gum graft.This creates a small pocket where the regenerative tissue will be placed. At this point, it might look like the dentist has placed too much tissue in the space, but it will look more natural given some time.

Step 4: Sutures will be placed to stabilize the graft. This prevents the tissue from shifting and holds the graft in place to allow for proper healing. It will look uniform once the gums have completed the grafting and healing process.

Following the Alloderm gum graft in Toronto you should limit brushing and chewing near the site. Take any medications the dentist prescribes.

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