What are Lumineers and where can you find a Lumineers dentist in Toronto who can do Lumineers?
Both very good questions and the answer follows.
What are Lumineers
Lumineers are especially thin veneers for your teeth that require far less grinding of your natural teeth in order to install the lumineers.
The procedure of lumineers
First the dentist will examine your teeth, may take an x-ray, and then will discuss your options including Lumineers. Lumineers require no shots, no drilling, and no grinding. If you go with Lumineers, the dentist will make a mold of your mouth from which the Lumineers are made from so they fit perfectly. Once the mold is made you and your dentist will discuss what color the Lumineers will be. When the Lumineers have been made and shipped to your dentist, you will return and the dentist will place them on your teeth with some dental cement. Research and studies have shown that the Lumineers last about 20 years. Another benefit of Lumineers is they can be removed if you have an issue or for any reason are no longer happy with them as they do not need your natural tooth to be ground down in order for them to fit.
Where can I find Lumineers?
The answer to where you can find a dentist to do Lumineers is Downtown Dentistry in Toronto. The dentist in Toronto Ontario at Downtown Dentistry will make a perfect mold of your mouth and have the Lumineers made to fit. Then they will place them to your teeth, once the procedure is done you can eat anything you want and continue to practice good oral hygiene. If you are concerned about taking care of the Lumineers the dentist or hygienist will go over proper brushing and floss with you.
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